martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Practice 7

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Anthony Perez
The After Sales service
Twiney Industries

March 21th, 2017

Dear  Mrs Anthony Perez

I have a complaint to make about the order I received this morning, (orde reference F345/01). Well instead of 2 x 3cm components; you sent me 3 x 2cm components and the D70 motor you sent dosen´t work. I´d prefer a replacement.

Well I´ve never had problems with Twiney´s before. So  I acknowledge that it was a mistake, but I would like to have the demanged product replaced and the change in my components of the requested measure. I hope they can solve my problem inmediately.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Hank Weston